A major breakthrough in the treatment of mitochondrial dysfunction associated with CFS is stem cell therapy. Adult stem cells are our body’s very own repair and renewal kit that when active and looked after, serve us well for our entire life. Stem cells maintain, repair and renew critical components of the body like tissues, muscles, organs, blood, bone, brain, nerves, and tendons.
Scientists now know that damaged and worn out cells, especially stem cells, open up the pathway for disease, illness, rapid aging and even chronic fatigue. Stem cell activity and release rates (especially those from the bone marrow) begin to decline with age. Without intervention, by age 50, stem cells become lazy and dormant by as much as 60%.
However, what most people don’t realize is that your own adult stem cells can be
activated, nourished, and preserved so they can continue to support your body to heal, renew and rejuvenate to provide a healthy, active lifestyle well into old age. The most practical and accessible way to do this is via the most powerful stem cell supplement on the market called
Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray. This supplement works to stimulate, increase, and trigger your own adult stem cells naturally and can be very effective in relieving the symptoms of CFS.